SDS Medical Services - visualise data using Mixed Reality

SDS Medical Services uses Mixed Reality (MR) in an innovative and highly interactive way. 

Data is often presented in a manner that loses key messages, making it difficult to effectively communicate with its audience.  Mixed Reality is a new interactive presentation system for visualising data which has the potential to change the way data is presented and understood.  We aim to use clinical trial or real world published data to benefit learning, sharing, and understanding to improve decision making.

Our demo aims to stimulate debate about the usefulness of such cutting edge technology and participants will learn how integrating 3D data models, holograms, video and audio feeds can build engaging and compelling communication tools that effectively consolidate data, give clarity and enable sharing of information across a variety of locations.

 ·        Let us talk you through the range of virtual technologies (VR/AR and MR) 

·         We discuss potential usage scenarios for the technology

·         Try the headset and describe what it looks like, how it feels, what you think of it

·         Share potential scenarios that you feel might benefit from this technology

While this range of technologies is interesting, it will be the content that drives its usage.  Continuing conversations with industry specialists will drive ideas for future content and further innovation.  

Would you like to be a part of that conversation?

Please call us on 01625 560123 for more information.